Assembly Bill 899
Assembly Bill 899 (AB 899) is a California legislative bill signed into law and enacted on October 10, 2023. AB 899 requires manufacturers of baby food to test and disclose the levels of four toxic elements that may be present in baby food, and to meet particular labeling requirements. These changes were made to the California Health and Safety Code (H&SC) sections 110962 and 110963 which went into effect January 1, 2024. The full text of AB 899 is available.
The goal of AB 899 is to enhance the safety of baby food products by publicly disclosing information to consumers about levels of the four toxic elements in the products; promoting transparency in the industry and enabling consumers to make educated decisions associated with their health. Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury are the four toxic elements under AB 899.
To check the content of each of the above toxic substances in this product, please select the product you wish to view and enter the product and corresponding number.